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Academic Info


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High School
Calabasas High School

Academic Accomplishments

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Athletic History

Addie L. Atwell's Key Stats History

  • Team Level
    AA (Tier 2) Current

Personal Statement

I have always prided myself on being a very fast skater. I also play very well positionally, and I’m good at communicating on the ice. I’m a fast learner, and I’m always open to coaching. Over the past 11 years that I’ve been playing, I’ve grown more and more confident with the puck, including stick handling and shooting. More important than anything, I absolutely love the game and I’m always looking to get better. Building a relationship with a team and being able to work with them and support them through a season, through wins and losses, has always been very important to me.  My academics have always been really important to be and I’ve kept strong grades through all my school, despite hockey travels.  I’m good at managing my time with school and hockey, even with having to drive 1-2 1/2 hours regularly just for practice. I’m currently in a 4 year film program through my high school, which I’m really enjoying and I look forward to pursuing a career in the film industry. 

Coach References

  • Redge Bourgette
    Travel / Club Coach
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