Highlight/Skills Video

over 2 years ago
about 3 years ago
2022 Spotlight
about 3 years ago
Harding university game
about 3 years ago

Academic Info


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High School
Legion Collegiate Academy

Academic Accomplishments

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Awards and Activities

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Athletic History

High School History
  • 2022 Varsity Team
  • 2022 Varsity Team Detailed Information

    Jersey Number


    No stats available.
  • 2019 Varsity Team
    Starter  1st Team All-Conference Conference Champs, Sectional 2nd Place, Regional 3rd Place
  • 2019 Varsity Team Detailed Information

    Jersey Number


    Individual Awards

    1st Team All-Conference

    Team Awards

    Conference Champs, Sectional 2nd Place, Regional 3rd Place

    No stats available.

Derrick E. Baxter's Key Stats History

  • 40 Yard Dash
    4.51 Current
    Verified By: Coach
    Verified On: 01/15/2022
  • 5-10-5 Shuttle
    4.3 Current
    Verified By: Coach
    Verified On: 01/15/2022
  • Bench Press
    315 Current
    Verified By: Trainer
    Verified On: 12/28/2022
  • Squat
    500 Current
    Verified By: Coach
    Verified On: 01/15/2022
  • Vertical
    39.3 Current
    Verified By: Coach
    Verified On: 01/15/2022
  • Broad Jump
    100 Current
    Rivals Combine_Charlotte Stats_2022

Personal Statement


At a young age, I always dreamed of being the fastest runner and achieving accolades in sports. Unfortunately, as a middle schooler, I went through a “chubby stage”, where I was substantially bigger than my classmates. Those years were traumatic for me on the football field and on the track. I was told I was too slow at practice. I couldn’t do bear crawls to save my life. I began to not even enjoy running.

I knew I was passionate about football and track, but I was not getting the results I desired. Though there were plenty of times I wanted to give up, I chose not to. I was not going to allow minor failures to define me. Instead, I turned those failures into fuel for my journey. Instead of becoming depressed, I began to seek advice and pray about my circumstances. I shared my athletic goals with family, friends, and athletic trainers, and soon I was surrounded with opportunities to train with fitness professionals.

As the years progressed, I dedicated myself to beating the odds that were against me. I realized that this wasn’t just about proving myself to naysayers, but also about recognizing what it felt like to be truly passionate about something. I formed a stronger relationship with my father as we began working out early in the mornings and late at night in our gym. During the summer evenings, I slipped myself into a weighted vest and ran through my neighborhood until the streetlights flickered on – or at least until my mom called me in for dinner, whichever came first.


As I was transitioning, my speed, agility, and body composition improved. My coaches noticed, I thanked them and continued working. Two years later, my body reached its current build: five feet eleven inches in height and 189 pounds in weight. I also ran faster. I was the young man the chubby middle schooler aspired to become.


In addition to changing physically, I also changed mentally and spiritually. I learned that my challenges weren’t just to teach me a lesson. They also prepared me when I needed to encourage peers to face their own challenges. What I have learned, and am still learning, about myself throughout my journey is that passion fuels my goals, and the challenges, setbacks, and even failures are only preparing me for the next door to be opened. I am hopeful that the people I’ve encouraged along the way will walk through their own doors with the same fuel to keep them going.


I always knew I wanted to attend college and play football, but it took me a while to figure out why I was passionate about football itself. I realized that I cared about my team because I cared about their lives on and off the field. Without me knowing, football, and its challenges, developed my passion for sports medicine. These challenges have made me wiser and more relatable and have equipped me with tools to assist others mentally and physically. Most importantly, my past challenges have led me to choose a career path that is sure to be filled with new challenges. 

I  love the game, I love the character it builds, and I love the challenge.  I would be great on any team because I am determined, hardworking, and dedicated.  I have dedicated my life to this sport with the good and the bad, the success and the failures.   


TAP Athletic Type

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Coach References

  • Derrick Baxter
    Position Coach
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  • Coach Herron
    High School Head Coach
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Additional Sports

  • Track
    4 years experience
    Varsity Team
    Regional Placement, State Competition

Contact Info

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