Highlight/Skills Video

2022 Spotlight
almost 3 years ago
2022 Highlights
almost 3 years ago

Academic Info


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High School
A & M Consolidated High School
Enrollment: 2464

Academic Accomplishments

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Awards and Activities

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Athletic History

Aspen R. Aguilar's Key Stats History

  • 40 Yard Dash
    4.687 Current
    Rivals Combine_Dallas Stats_2022
    Verified By: FBU-OKC
    Verified On: 06/20/2021
  • 5-10-5 Shuttle
    4.46 Current
    Rivals Combine_Dallas Stats_2022
    Verified By: Rivals Combine
    Verified On: 04/09/2022
  • Vertical
    31.80 Current
    Verified By: Rivals Combine
    Verified On: 04/09/2022
    Rivals Combine_Dallas Stats_2022
  • 3 Cone Drill
    7.44 Current
    Verified By: Rivals combine
    Verified On: 04/09/2022
    Rivals Combine_Dallas Stats_2022
  • Broad Jump
    119 Current
    Verified By: FBU-TOP GUN
    Verified On: 07/09/2021
    Rivals Combine_Dallas Stats_2022

Personal Statement

My Name is Aspen Raiythe Aguilar,  I am 5’11”, 155 lb Slot Receiver and a future graduate of "2023".  As a Sophomore, I was a starter for my JV Team and had a decent season.  I was also backup on Varsity as I was moved up for the playoffs; unfortunately my team did not make it past the first round.  As my Junior year began in the offseason, with hard work and dedication going to camps and succeeding in them as well, my football season truly began.  Attending an FBU camp during the summer of "2021", in Oklahoma City ranking 2nd, and going on to the FBU Top Gun Showcase in Naples, Florida, ranking 7th overall.  In the Spring of “2022”, was selected through the FBU San Antonio Camp to attend the Top Gun Showcase once again.  I was put on JV in the beginning of my Junior year, but as an all around starter for Slot Receiver and Corner Back, I was moved up to play both JV and Varsity level.  Being on the JV team taught me about how to play as a team and not just as an individual.  I have been playing football since I was 3 years old, attending a Head Start Program, offered within the City of Bryan/College Station, here in my hometown within the great state of Texas.  It was a program for me to find my niche for what sport I liked.  I figured it out immediately as it was the GREAT game of Football.  Football to me doesn’t only teach me how to play better football, but it teaches me life skills and lessons as well.  The game has taught me to be diligent in all things, and to show dedication towards everything I do such as school.  As a young athlete I competed in my first Triathlon at Texas A&M University, through an organization named Tri Aggieland, to which I was capable of earning First Place, continuing on competing, receiving another First and Second place win over the next couple of years. Sports have always been my passion, Baseball, was another favorite of mine. I played tournament ball for years and played my Freshman year earning a Silver Slugger, Team Leader in RBIs. Led all TAPPS Freshman in the state of Texas in RBI's, holding a 308 B.A.  In 2013,  I was awarded the Presidential Physical Youth Fitness Award for my school, to which I was humbly honored.  Playing Sports was my all time devotion.  The more competitive, the better in my mind.  I love being an athlete and all it stands for.  The grit, the grind and dedication all contributes to making of a great athlete.  Loving the sports I played throughout my years was a learning experience and is still to this day.  It was a drive that I had growing up, and even though each sport had its own rewards; Football, was my all time favorite.  My parents are the only people in my life that have pushed me to be the best me, and have shaped me making me strong, reliable, loyal and dedicated.  My parents have never been soft on me for anything in my life, they have showed me that life is not perfect in any way shape or form, and for that I have taken that knowledge shaping it to what benefits me and how I am as a person.  I’m an extremely hard worker and will strive to do the best of my ability at any task given.  Instructional guidance whether by coach or elder, to me it’s a lesson learned each and every time seeing from my standpoint.  As I love sports, my academic goals in high school would be to uphold my grades to the highest standards of my ability, leading the way into college pursuing a Degree of Science in Health Sciences and playing the game I've dreamed since the age of 3.  My family has also told me, If there is ever something your passionate about never hold back.  If you want it go after it, period.  No excuses, no if’s, and’s, but’s about it.  As my little sister would say, "Can't Never Could".  Opportunities are lost in the blink of and eye, then regrets starring you down.  Have a vision, and go for it!  There is no “I can’t” YOU CAN!  Failure may exist yes...but failure, only means, learning, refocusing and restructure...IT DOESN’T MEAN TO QUIT...Gathering your knowledge and wisdom, jumping back in having both feet planted. "Make YOUR vision and dream a reality",  as dad would say.  "Be the “Doer” of your vision and most importantly be proud of yourself when doing so"., rants Mom. Those words stick with me daily, and that's what I plan to do.  My name is Aspen Aguilar, and I AM a Football Player.

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