Highlight/Skills Video

Freshman Spring 2022
about 2 years ago
2022 Spotlight
over 2 years ago
Southside at Acadiana - Freshman
over 2 years ago
Acadiana at STM co2025
over 2 years ago

Academic Info


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High School
Acadiana High School

Academic Accomplishments

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Athletic History

Makai Chambers's Key Stats History

  • 40 Yard Dash
    4.5 Current
    Verified By: Rivals Camp
    Verified On: 03/26/2022
  • 5-10-5 Shuttle
    4.4 Current
    Verified By: Rivals Camp
    Verified On: 03/26/2022
  • Bench Press
    185 Current
    Verified By: Matt McCullough
  • Squat
    255 Current
    Verified By: Matt McCullough
  • Vertical
    24.3 Current
    Verified By: Rivals Camp
    Verified On: 03/26/2022
  • 3 Cone Drill
    9.2 Current
    Verified By: Rivals Camp
    Verified On: 03/26/2022
  • Broad Jump
    88.50 Current
    Verified By: Rivals Camp
    Verified On: 03/26/2022

Personal Statement

Working to get better each day no matter what it takes. 

Coach References

  • Matt McCullough
    High School Head Coach
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Contact Info

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